Together to design the future we want
Since its inception in 2021, we have supported YOUR2040 in designing every aspect of its communication strategy. YOUR2040 is an annual event held in Switzerland that attracts people from various backgrounds and professions, including researchers, creatives, entrepreneurs, educators, visionaries, and artists. Together, they come to envision, design, and initiate change processes aimed at creating a better future for the planet and everyone.
We designed every detail of the event with the YOUR2040 team, from aesthetic aspects to agenda dynamics. We considered how to create structures and signage using as many second-hand or sustainable materials as possible, to foster an environment and atmosphere that made everyone feel welcomed and supported at all times. We paid careful attention to both the spaces and every aspect of the communication.
We prepared the setups using cardboard and strings, reflecting the colors of this edition’s logo. We constructed structures and signage to help participants navigate, orient themselves, and work more effectively, for example, by documenting key phrases and content in real-time and presenting them graphically. Additionally, we provided graphic facilitation for all the panels, creating a visual archive of all the relevant content that emerged.