Legal Design

Legal Design

Today we gave our input on what it means to be facilitators and how visualization supports and fuels collaborative work. Legal design, i.e. simplifying the communication between lawyers and clients, making it more effective, strongly resonates with us. It implies the...
Big little Italy

Big little Italy

We designed the illustrated panels that guide educational visits to Italia in miniatura, the thematic park more famous (and smaller!) of Italy, to talk to students of all ages of our country’s history, its dialects, its Constitution. But also science and its formulas,...
On the court with schools

On the court with schools

We’re working on a project with a school in Bologna, to renovate a basketball court with the students’ help. We held workshops with all the classrooms to gather suggestions and inputs of the kids, between 6 and 10 years old, through drawings and simulations. We will...
Collaboration Chalet

Collaboration Chalet

We just spent three days of deep and focused collaboration in a chalet in Switzerland to progress in the production of models, graphics, text and layout of a book project we are working on. A great way to bring together the energies of a team and create a lot of...
Our role

Our role

We spent two days at the annual gathering of a philanthropic family: the family members periodically meet to discuss and share their thoughts on the best way to contribute to the state of our planet. We visualized their presentations and conversations, which were very...