The time of kindness, in the world
6 May 2020
We are so pleased to see that the video “The time of kindness”, realized in collaboration with Klépierre for Red Cross, is literally going all around the world. At a time when it’s so important to stand still, sharing kindness it’s even more precious.
IFRC Middle East & North Africa – IFRC Europe – IFRC – Irish Red Cross
The present that will be
30 April 2020
On April 30th, partnering with Eleva, Foxwin and Matter, we designed and organized a moment of online reflection, Il presente che sarà, meaning The present that will be. About 60 people shared their ideas on three themes: “new work organization”, “impact on people and team”, and “organizational models of the future”. It was an opportunity to spend some time together, listen and collaborate even if virtually and at a distance. The result of the session has been summarized into a document for the whole community, that can be downloaded here.
Meet the Media Guru Focus
29 April 2020
It was a great pleasure to be part of this huge event, with more than 400 people, from at least 190 cities all over the world! We visualized live this first event, the lecture of William Myers at the Meet the Media Guru Focus online.
Radio Città Fujiko and the show Complaints Department
27 April 2020
On Radio Città Fujiko, one of the most important radio stations in Bologna, Massimo Vitali hosts “Ufficio reclami” (Complaints department): in each episode the host talks with a guest on different topics. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the show has become a live Instagram format and we visualized each session in real time with Paolo Masiero! Among the guests: Rocco Papaleo, Dente, Guido Catalano, Massimo Vitali, Tegamini (Francesca Crescentini) and Elasti (Claudia de Lillo).
COVID-19 Collective Action Summit
21 April 2020
ChangemakerXchange, a global community for young changemakers, hosted the COVID-19 Collective Action Summit (20-21 april) to facilitate cross-border connections, peer-learning and collaboration between changemakers working on the COVID-19 crisis response. We did live scribing for the event, so glad to have contributed to this global initiative!
FiordiRisorse and the #altrimenti format
18 April 2020
FiordiRisorse is a business community that gathers managers, entrepreneurs and freelancers, with the aim of sharing experiences and best practices. In the last weeks, FiordiRisorse has created the “Altrimenti” (EN “otherwise”) format, 30 minutes with thinkers and commentators to try to understand better the new reality and imagine new scenarios. We did live scribing at every appointment.
Visualizing messages for the UN’s Call
15 April 2020
We participated to the campaign launched by UN’s Global Call Out to Creatives! to design a series of visuals with the aim to share informative messages on the pandemic. We are pleased to share with you our contributions to the UN’s Call. Thanks to World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations and Talenthouse for this initiative.
Italy’s innovation journey
10 April 2020
We’re collaborating with Zambon to transform a series of recurring appointments, OpenZone Talks, in a digital experience. We will start on April 23rd with an in-depth analysis on the ways in which Italian businesses have implemented paths towards innovation.
New ways, together
3 April 2020
Each day, as soon as we enter our studio, we gather for a circle up: a discussion that usually lasts a couple of minutes and that allows us to start the day together, tell each other how we feel and organize the workflow efficiently. We’re still doing it these days, even though our everyday life changed completely. Especially because of that. In this month’s newsletter, we try to explore new ways of being together.
Bill Gates on Risk of a Global Catastrophe
31 March 2020
Back in 2015 Bill Gates gave a TEDTalk about the need to get going for the creation of a global health system to face the potential danger of viruses in the future. This is particularly relevant these days, that’s why we decided to scribe it.