Moving scenography
IBSA has involved us once again, together with Matter, for this edition of “Narture”, a three-day conference that brings together experts from all over Europe in Lugano to talk about the latest news in the field of reproductive medicine, with special attention towards art and the construction of a shared path.
We devised a moving scenography, where each speaker placed an illustrated box onstage displaying the contents of his speech, with the idea of building a “wall of knowledge” over the course of the event. In the same style, we then accompanied all the interventions with live scribing, which was projected during moments of interaction with the audience and Q&A sessions, guiding the participants through the complexity of the contents. Finally, we took care of the general direction of the event in collaboration with the IBSA team.
A scenography of great impact that conveyed a touch of manual skills and practicality, and revealed, onlyat the end, a “hidden” message. Coordinated visualizations to better understand a rich and complex subject and a post-event infographic in which we summarized this experience together, its insights and, above all, the occasions to meet one another.