Sharing experiences to recognize oneself
Throughout the years our studio went through many phases, changing and evolving its services and ways of working, expanding the team and working to define an effective modus operandi. We wanted to collect the result of these brainstorming sessions in one place, to have immediate access to our identity, useful for ourselves and for those who do not know us yet.
Following an internal workshop, during which we extracted principles and information on the studio, we started to collect the necessary data and information to be summarized. The table of contents has been distributed to the team and each of us, in a different way and with different targets, participated to the realization of the final product.
Today the Guidebook is a booklet of about thirty pages telling the complete story of our studio: its principles, how to water plants and when, what is our file structure and how we communicate with clients. Besides its useful and funny content, the Guidebook has been an opportunity to play with graphic design, illustration, packaging and nice paper.